Vistamax Productions

Author: Admin

What are you planning to do during National Shameless Promotion Month? It is slated to take place when many people are focused on back-to-school campaigns. But that doesn’t mean you should necessarily let the observance pass your company by. It’s actually a great opportunity to...

New television advertising statistics were released in early June 2015. Did you happen to read them? We did. Compiled by MarketShare, they were published online in Ad Week. Not totally unexpected, they showed that the medium’s ability to provide an excellent return on investment remains noteworthy. They...

According to a recent article by Investor Place’s Assistant Editor, John Divine, online giant,, is looking to enter a realm our Vistamax® Production team knows well. It’s infomericals. Of course infomercial production is not new but the way the spots have been used by advertisers...

Now that the spent fireworks have been put away, it’s time for advertisers to start thinking about their back-to-school and back-to-college 2015/2016 campaigns. The National Retail Federation® reported that last year, many soon-to-be-students and their families were already shopping heavily by July. However, there were...

In late May 2015, the world was introduced to the Video Advertising Bureau. It isn’t so much a new entity as it is a revised one. Prior to May 2015, our Florida video production team knew it as the Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau. So what’s changed? There...

Facebook is certainly keeping marketers on their toes. There was the Call-to-Action buttons’ release and disappearing Connected Accounts button on YouTube earlier this year. Now everyone’s talking about instant articles and mobile video. Good thing our video production in Tampa is keeping up with the latest. ...

Will television advertising expenditures go up for Father’s Day 2015 or down? Maybe they will just stay the same. We took at look at theNational Retail Federation and Brand Keys’ predictions from last year to get a feel for how much money people are likely to...

It took our Florida video crews years of classroom and on-hand experience to develop their techniques for surviving outdoor shoots during the hottest days of summer. But all of that hard work has paid off for them and consequently, our customers too. Now we know that...

Marketing the sport of golf and golf related items to Millennials can be tough these days. Thus, it never hurts to take advantage of promotional opportunities when they present themselves. That’s why many golf courses, pro shops and others are piggybacking their efforts on widespread...

In the heart of an age where Skittles and Truth commercials stay stuck in your head for weeks at a time, the necessity for solid advertising could not be greater. Television commercials influence the buying trends of consumers more than the average person would care...

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