Vistamax Productions


For your infomercial project to be a success, you need to get the best infomercial producers on the job. With so many choices in the market, you need to be thorough when making the selection. Keep in mind that whether you select the best or worst producer, the...

When you're looking at television production companies, you're probably looking for a company that will provide you with the very best end product for the best price. The fact is, without the absolute best in post-production editing and effects, your ad or commercial won't be nearly...

Have you looked at the National Retail Federation’s figures yet? They indicate that holiday sales are expected to exceed $600 billion. Now ask yourself one important question. “How is my firm going to get its share of the seasonal pie?” If you are at a loss for...

In mid September 2013, a trickle of production related, tax credit stories started to make their way into the Sunshine State’s major news feeds. Understandably, members of our Florida video production team made it a point to read beyond the headlines. Several of the September 2013 stories focused...

"We'll fix it in post," is probably the most well-known video production term after "Lights, camera, action!" – and with good reason. Post-production is often most important part of any film production, from big budget blockbusters to your business' latest commercial. It's also one of...

Back in July 2013, our Florida video crews talked briefly about Tampa taking over the international headlines. At the time, the noteworthy headlines were attributed to a snappy announcement about the International Indian Film Academy’s plans to hold an unprecedented production in the city. On September 10th,...

While the heart of music has remained the same over the years the medium of conveyance has drastically changed. Music is not just about the music anymore, but the story it can tell through the visual medium. Bands seem to gain their greatest exposure through a mix of...

Although it may seem far away for some, Florida’s political scene has already started to gear up for the 2014 elections. For proof, one only has to look towards the Tampa Bay Times and its recent write-up about the press conference held by the Florida Press Association...

The week of July 30, 2013, Florida’s video and film industry was abuzz with news of changes taking place in our home city of Tampa. Thus, being longstanding members of Florida's video production industry, we thought that we’d weigh in on those developments. Here’s more: For those that...

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