Vistamax Productions

Author: Admin

Last year, our country’s number crunchers estimated that Americans would spend more than $36 billion dollars on Valentine’s Day related festivities. Although it was down slightly from the year before, a variety of businesses made out like kissing bandits. Among them were gourmet grocery stores,...

Now that the new calendar year has begun, what is your company going to do differently? If you’re not sure, we’d like to suggest that you focus on the firm’s business video production efforts. Here are five sound reasons why you should: 1) Remember the 80% Rule Do...

36th Annual Telly Awards Steve Farkas, CEO/Executive Producer at Vistamax has been selected again to judge for the prestigious Telly Awards. All judges are members of the Silver Telly Council. Judges evaluate entries to recognize distinction in creative work. Winning entries are recognized and awarded...

Did you read the November 2014 edition of AdAge or notice a few changes happening on Instagram and Snapchat? If so, like our television advertising pros, you may already be hip to the latest emerging trend in multichannel advertising. In this case, it’s companies making unabashed...

Now that the 2014 November sweep has come to an end, our Tampa commercial production team can’t help but reflect on what happened and look forward to the next. For those of you that don’t know what sweeps are, how they work and why they’re important, please...

We know that many of you have been running full tilt since August. First there were those back-to-school rush promotions that needed executing. And they ran right smack into Halloween and Thanksgiving sales. But now is no time to take a breather. Last year, Americans...

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