Television Advertising Pros Can Help Provide Made-for-Social Media Content
Did you read the November 2014 edition of AdAge or notice a few changes happening on Instagram and Snapchat? If so, like our television advertising pros, you may already be hip to the latest emerging trend in multichannel advertising. In this case, it’s companies making unabashed attempts at utilizing popular, social media users to help push their firms’ online content. You can read AdAge contributor Michael Sebastian’s article about it here. As he deftly points out, the trend has gone beyond firms merely trying to encourage social icons to share a link or two. Now, they are actively putting them onto the payroll in exchange for a little social media love.
How does television advertising fit into the new social equation? Let’s look at the Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau’s latest analysis of Nielson Social Primetime for FY 2014 Q3 for a few clues. It shows that cable television users are not beyond generating 50+ million Tweets alone while watching their favorite shows. So what better way to generate brand awareness than to reach out to consumers where they live at least part of the time?
Now let’s imagine that an online personality with a huge following has a history of using social media to talk about a particular television show. An advertiser that buys air time or sponsorship related to that show could feasibly reach out to that online personality and then pay him or her to send out fine-tuned, social media content about their products too. Truly think about that for a moment. Then take a look at the direct influence television advertising already has on website traffic and the bearing social media has on sales. In our television advertising pros’ minds, the potential impact the confluence of those actions could have on brand awareness is huge.
To learn how our television advertising pros can help firms develop made-for-social media content and get in on the latest marketing trends, please contact us at Vistamax® Productions today 813-907-1010.