Vistamax Productions

Author: Admin

In the past, television viewing was an occasion for social interaction with friends and family as they were gathered together in the same room. Today, the tradition continues but in an updated version in which viewers are connected and interacting with others – around town,...

A study in the Journal of Consumer Marketing focused on the effectiveness of infomercials. It revealed that the combination between an informational program and a commercial that sells a product is indeed a prosperous one. Infomercial producers who target a highly customized message to a niche population have been...

Even with the widespread migration of most marketing channels to the Internet, one of the most powerful and potent tools is still video production. Florida residents are ideally positioned to take advantage of the latest developments in video marketing and technology, as the state is...

Even with the widespread migration of most marketing channels to the Internet, one of the most powerful and potent tools is still video production. Florida residents are ideally positioned to take advantage of the latest developments in video marketing and technology, as the state is...

According to Global Industry Analysts’ recent data, the popularity of informercials continues to rise. As it stands now, the industry is expected to generate revenue in excess of $252 million within the next two to three years. The explosive growth is primarily attributed to changing consumer...

If you have an innovative new product that you truly believe in, you know that marketing that product the right way is the most important thing you can do. In fact, the way you market what you've created can mean the difference between high profits...

Are you presently searching for the ideal place to film your next TV commercial, DRTV segment, motion picture or video? If so, consider choosing a location in the Sunshine State. There are a multitude of reasons why Florida is a superlative spot for film, video...

At the April, 2013, FT Digital Media Conference in London, Videology CEO Scott Ferber announced the findings of their recent brand survey in online videos. And they discovered that “online video with commercial TV ads increases brand awareness in triple-digit percentages.” The mechanics of the survey were to track...

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