Vistamax Productions

How Infomercial Producers Help You Sell Your Products

How Infomercial Producers Help You Sell Your Products

study in the Journal of Consumer Marketing focused on the effectiveness of infomercials. It revealed that the combination between an informational program and a commercial that sells a product is indeed a prosperous one. Infomercial producers who target a highly customized message to a niche population have been so successful that this medium has attracted the industry’s heavy hitters. Cadillac, Apple and Microsoft are just a few examples of industry giants that have availed themselves of this advertising genre. You, too, have the opportunity to market your products in this manner.

  • Story-telling grabs attention. When you take a look at successful infomercials, you notice that there is a storyline. The least successful ads feature an interview setting. Rather than merely having a discussion about the product and its effectiveness, work with a producer who has the power to wrap your product’s benefits and advantages into a gripping story. Whether it is a cautionary tale or a real-life event that can be depicted by actors, this method of marketing catches the attention of the viewer. Your target audience wants to know what happens next.
  • Time your presentation just right. There is a fine line between showing off your product and overdoing the presentation. Avail yourself of the short form and long form infomercial to gain an edge. Whet your audience’s appetite with shorter ads and then finally treat the viewer to a longer marketing session that ties together the points previously made. Combining short and long form marketing spots is an excellent means for generating a buzz surrounding your product.
  • Vary the approach. Having multiple infomercial formats offers you another advantage as well. You now have the option of approaching your audience in a variety of settings, which tends to increase the appeal of your product. For example, staging product demonstrations is an excellent choice for marketing to the hands-on viewer. The do-it-yourselfer who loves to turn a decision into action will appreciate a demonstration that can then be translated into action. A “documercial,” which mimics a newscast or documentary, will be the preferred medium for the portion of the audience that values data and facts over hands-on applicability.

When you work with a producer who can offer you this type of flexibility in the approach, you have the best chance of reaching the largest segment of the viewing audience. Vistamax is an expert in the field and has spent countless years refining its approach to creating visually stunning, persuasive arguments that display products and advertisers to their fullest advantage. Contact us today to find out how we can help you sell your products as well.