Are You Egg-cited About Infomercial Production in Tampa?
Are you egg-cited about starting infomercial production in Tampa? If not, maybe a quick look at the numbers will help your snap-on bunny ears perk up. Last year, Americans collectively spent in excess of $15 billion on their Easter festivities. The money went towards everything from egg decorating kits to dress clothes suitable for Easter Sunday services. So, chances are that they’ll be spending money again on many of the same items during the lead up to April 5th, 2015. And infomercials can help you reach them in many innovative ways.
Infomercials traditionally give sellers 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to make their case. Granted, you won’t need that long to sell someone egg dye but what about that sewing machine and fabric they’ll need to make the best Easter Sunday outfit in town? Wouldn’t that warrant a 30 minute introduction? Of course there are other items that fall into the long sell category besides sewing machines. What about theology courses, church services, basket weaving supplies, gospel music CDs, vacations to the Holy Land and parochial schools? Couldn’t sales pitches designed to promote them take up a full 30 minutes too? Our infomercial production experts in Tampa know that it’s possible to make Easter themed spots that last that long.
In addition, 30 minute slots may also be used to provide target markets with programming designed to soft sell Easter goods and services. For example, let’s say that a restaurant wants to build brand awareness. The chef could host a 30 minute show on preparing traditional Easter meals from around the world. Churches could use the same format to boost Easter Sunday attendance by showing previous services, religious animation and acting out stories from the Bible. Anything is possible when professional infomercial production is part of the Easter mix. To learn more and get egg-cited about creating 30 minute spots, please contact us at Vistamax® Productions.