Vistamax Productions

4 Ways Video Production in Tampa Can Improve Sales Training Programs

4 Ways Video Production in Tampa Can Improve Sales Training Programs

Now that 2014 has arrived, why not change up your sales training program? It’s easy enough to do. You could start by calling us and scheduling video production in Tampa. Here’s a peek at four ways the finished videos could be used to kick your firm’s sales staff into high gear:

#1: Audience Participation & Parody

One way that you can rev up your sales staff is to include audience participation and parody into the video’s storyline. By audience participation, we are referring to letting some members of your sales team star in the video. Being able to see people that they know in funny situations will undoubtedly raise the sales staff’s interest.

#2: Share it Using the Salesforce1 Platform

Does your sales team utilize Salesforce1? If so, you could also generate excitement by sharing the training videos using the Salesforce 1 Platform. It makes it easy to distribute video content to employees, customers and potential prospects alike. So everyone will be able to stay in tune with training initiatives and be motivated in real-time.

#3: Add a Bit of Hoopla

While we are on the subject, corporate videos created in Tampa and added to the Salesforce1 Platform could be used as part of a gamification program as well. To do so, you’d have to obtain an app like Hoopla. It allows you to reward and recognize employees as they reach their chosen goals.

#4: Show the Travel Incentives

Lastly, why not reward your sales staff with more than just online badges? For example, you could use our Tampa based, video production services to show them travel incentives that they could work towards receiving. In our opinion, there are a lot of fabulous places in Tampa that would make perfect travel rewards. Just ask our Florida video crew for their recommendations.

For more information on our video production services in Tampa and how they can help motivate your sales team, please contact us. Our Florida video production experts may be reached by calling (813) 907-1010.