Business video production: Make the training stick this time
We’ve all had bad training days. Whether it was at a new job, or it was yearly training that was mandated by the company, when training day comes, we all know that we’re pretty much in for at least one completely boring day. The most we could hope for were a few cups of coffee and some doughnuts while we watched the decade-old video of the guy in the plaid suit talking about company standard practices.
Sound familiar?
If you’re a business owner, you probably know that training days are one of those days that no employee looks forward to. In fact, when you worked for someone else, you probably agreed with them. The reason they’re so boring is not because your employees have no desire to learn the information. They’re boring because the materials that are used generally don’t inspire your employees to learn. This can hurt your business in a few ways. If your employees aren’t retaining the information, they may not know what they need to know to do their jobs correctly. That can cause all kinds of safety problems for you, and production issues for them.
Investing in business video production for your employee training program will turn those training days into something your workers actually look forward to. When you work with a professional production company, not only do you get a finished product that has been designed according to your specific needs, but you get videos that get your message across in a way that your employees will be able to easily retain and be able to put into practice later on.
Here at Vistamax, it’s our goal to make sure your videos are perfect. We invest a great deal of time discussing your needs with you, and coming up with a script that will communicate your company’s message in the best way possible.
Take it from us, you don’t want to waste anymore time showing those tired, worn out training videos. Honestly, they’re not doing you or your employees any good, anyway. If you’d like information on how Vistamax can help you revitalize your company’s training program, we’d love to talk to you. Contact us today.